Wednesday, August 19, 2009

History and Science

Today we finished the nesting chapter in our Zoology book about flying creatures. One more chapter about birds then we are going to take a break from this book until the spring to study insects. I have a few science lapbooks and I let Grace look through them this afternoon to pick our next science topic. She picked gravity. So I am looking up different books to get from the library to compliment this lapbook. In history we continued reading Mr. Revere and I and Grace also read from If I Lived During the American Revolution. We took a trip to the library this afternoon and picked up some books and four audio books to use for our trip to Kentucky to listen ont he way there and back. It will be an eight hour trip each way. We also have one other audio book from the Narnia Series to finish. Heading over to my parents for dinner tonight. After dinner this will be my first night leading the middle school class. I am kind of nervous. Hoping everything will go well. I will let you know when I return.

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