Sunday, September 22, 2013

A New Old Author

Last year we were members of the book club program through Lamplighter Publishing. We loved getting these quality classic books each month. The only problem was I really needed to stop spending the extra money on them and we had over 14 books that we hadn't read yet. So I stopped the subscription a few months back and now we are trying to make our way through the stack. 

Grace has already found an author that she really likes. This author is slightly below her grade level in reading but they are stories from long ago and are a worthwhile read. Each of the above books were written by Christoph von Schmid. He was a popular author of children' stories back in the 1800s. The Little Lamb was published in 1848 and The White Dove in 1841. He started out as a priest and was eventually asked to educate children. During this time of educating children he started writing stories to educate them in Christian principles. 

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